

ODB compiler

ODB is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. It provides
tools, APIs, and library support that allow you to persist C++ objects
to a relational database (RDBMS) without having to deal with tables,
columns, or SQL and without manually writing any of the mapping code.
For more information see:


This package contains the ODB compiler and the ODB system documentation.

See the NEWS file for the user-visible changes from the previous release.

See... More
license GPL-3.0-only
project odb
url www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/
doc-url www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/doc/manual.xhtml
src-url git.codesynthesis.com/cgit/odb/odb/
topics C++ORMsource code generationobject persistencerelational database
1 Version
version 2.5.0-b.28.20240731125623.c6da3d9c4e9f
repository https://stage.build2.org/1
depends 3; libstudxml, libcutl, *cli ?
requires 2; host, c++11