

Microsoft SQL Server ODB runtime library

ODB is an open-source, cross-platform, and cross-database object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. It allows you to persist C++ classes to a relational database without having to deal with tables, columns, or SQL and without manually writing any mapping code. ODB supports the MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server relational databases. It also comes with optional profiles for Boost and Qt which allow you to seamlessly use value types, containers, and smart pointers from these libraries in your persistent C++ classes.

For further information, refer to the ODB project page.


ODB consists of several packages with the main ones being odb (the ODB compiler), libodb (the common runtime library), and libodb-<database> (the database runtime libraries). There are also libodb-boost and libodb-qt (profile libraries) as well as odb-tests and odb-examples.

When specifying dependencies on the ODB packages in your project, the odb package should be a build-time dependency. You will always have a dependency on libodb plus one or more libodb-<database>, depending on which database(s) you wish to target. To be able to persist types from either Boost or Qt you would also add the corresponding profile library.

So, putting it all together, your project's manifest would normally have the following fragment if, for example, you want to target SQLite:

depends: * odb ^2.5.0
depends: libodb ^2.5.0
depends: libodb-sqlite ^2.5.0

Or the following fragment if using PostgreSQL as well as the Boost profile:

depends: * odb ^2.5.0
depends: libodb ^2.5.0
depends: libodb-pgsql ^2.5.0
depends: libodb-boost ^2.5.0

Then your buildfile would have something along these lines if using SQLite:

import! [metadata] odb = odb%exe{odb}

import libs  = libodb%lib{odb}
import libs += libodb-sqlite%lib{odb-sqlite}

Or along these lines if using PostgreSQL and the Boost profile:

import! [metadata] odb = odb%exe{odb}

import libs  = libodb%lib{odb}
import libs += libodb-sqlite%lib{odb-sqlite}
import libs += libodb-boost%lib{odb-boost}

Note that the odb executable provides build2 metadata.

The invocation of the ODB compiler (in order to generate the database support code from your headers) can be implemented using ad hoc recipes or rules. See the odb-examples package for the complete examples.

license other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary
project odb
topics C++ORMMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL
1 Version
version 2.5.0
depends 2; libodb, *cli ?
requires 2; c++11, mssql-odbc