NOTE: this is a staging package repository for the build2 toolchain itself. You are most likely looking for – the central build2 package repository/registry.

53 Packages
name bbot
summary build2 build bot
license MIT
depends 2; libbutl, libbbot
name bdep
summary build2 project dependency manager
license MIT
depends 2; libbutl, libbpkg
name bdep-util
summary extra build2 project management utilities
license MIT
depends 1; libbutl.bash
name bpkg
summary build2 package dependency manager
license MIT
depends 3; libbutl, libbpkg, build2
name bpkg-util
summary extra build2 package management utilities
license MIT
depends 2; bpkg, libbutl.bash
name brep
summary build2 package repository web interface
license MIT
depends 12; libapr1, libapreq2, libcmark-gfm, libcmark-gfm-extensions, libstudxml, libodb, libodb-pgsql, libbutl, libbpkg, libbbot, libbutl.bash, bpkg-util
name build2
summary build2 build system
license MIT
depends 1; libbutl
name cli
summary Command line interface (CLI) compiler for C++
license MIT
depends 1; libcutl
name cli-examples
summary Examples of using the CLI language and compiler for C++
license MIT
depends 0
name cli-tests
summary Tests for the CLI compiler for C++
license MIT
depends 0
name curl
summary Command line tool for transferring data with URLs
license curl
depends 2; libcurl, libca-certificates-curl
name kconfig-hello
summary The Kconfig version of "Hello World" example program
license GPL-2.0-only
depends 0
name libapr1
summary Apache Portable Runtime C library
license Apache-2.0
depends 0
name libapreq2
summary Apache HTTP Server Request library
license ASLv2
depends 0
name libbbot
summary build2 build bot utility library
license MIT
depends 2; libbutl, libbpkg
name libbpkg
summary build2 package dependency manager utility library
license MIT
depends 1; libbutl
name libbuild2-autoconf
summary Autoconf emulation build system module for build2
license MIT
depends 0
name libbuild2-autoconf-tests
summary Tests for the Autoconf emulation build system module for build2
license MIT
depends 0
name libbuild2-hello
summary Test build system module for build2
license MIT
depends 0
name libbuild2-hello-tests
summary Tests for the test build system module for build2
license MIT
depends 0